Featured Instrument
Jenny Bailly
Paris, 1920
Jenny Bailly (1874-1970) was one of the first well-known female violin makers throughout the history of Paris, as well as the first known female violin shop owner. Her father, world renowned maker Paul Bailly, studied violin making with Jules Gaillard and Nicolaus Vuillaume and made exceptional instruments for the J.B. Vuillaume workshop until opening his own violin shop located at 197 rue de Grenelle in Paris, France. Jenny began learning how to build violins at the age of 12 under her father’s tutelage and took head of the Bailly workshop in 1907 upon her father’s passing.
This violin by Jenny Bailly has an elegantly carved one-piece maple back, medium-tight grain spruce top with high arching and her signature long and Guarneri influenced F-holes. Labeled “J. Bailly, Paris” and has her hand-written signature inside in ink with noting that this is violin “no. 180.” It has a focused warm sound that sings beautifully in the high register and plays effortlessly. Length of back is 357mm and comes with a certificate of authenticity from Serge & Florent Boyer in Paris. Call or email for pricing.